
Landfill Industry Codes of Practice (ICoPs)

This ESA web page provides links to published landfill Industry Codes of Practice (ICoPs) prepared by the specialist Sub-Groups of the Landfill Regulation Group. The ICoPs are approved by the Landfill Guidance Group with advice and input from regulatory bodies. The Landfill Guidance Group is an industry group of landfill professionals.

Change of Government policy has meant that DEFRA has reduced the amount of guidance available for landfill sites, particularly in relation to detailed technical guidance. Industry and regulators have agreed that there is a benefit to all parties from the collective development of Industry Codes of Practice (ICoPs) which set out in practical terms the application of landfill design and construction management practices to comply with environmental regulations.

The governance document for the preparation and publication of these ICoPs outlines the process by which landfill ICoPs are produced, and their subsequent approval prior to publication on ESA’s website. The governance document provides details of the procedures for:

  • The ownership of the ICoPs;
  • The adoption of existing guidance as ICoPs;
  • The identification and need for future ICoPs, and;
  • The identification and need for amendments to existing ICoPs.

Correspondence in relation to the landfill ICoPs should be directed to:

Guidance Documents