Publications Archive

2020 reports and briefings

The Effects of Competition on Municipal Waste Collection Performance - Jan 2020

EXTERNAL PUBLICATION: Commercial Waste Collection Franchising - Analysis Note - Shoosmiths LLP

2018 reports and briefings

ESA Safety Alert: People in Waste Containers - Dcember 2018

Why Wait? Weight isn't working Smarter measures for the circular economy - August 2018

Eliminating avoidable plastic waste by 2042: A use-based approach to decision and policy making - June 2018

Energy for the Circular Economy: An overview of energy from waste in the UK - June 2018

An economic assessment and feasibility study of how the UK could meet the Circular Economy Package recycling targets - May 2018

Joint ESA-DWMA Communique on trade in waste - April 2018

Delivering best value through competition - April 2018

Spotlight on health and safety - February 2018

ESA IBA sampling protocol - January 2018

ESA IBA ‘Start up’ sampling procedure diagram - January 2018

2017 reports and briefings

UK residual waste capacity gap analysis - November 2017

Focus on health and safety performance in the waste and resource management industry - November 2017

The treatment capacity gap that urgently needs to be addressed - November 2017

Rethinking waste crime - May 2017

Planning for a Circular Economy - April 2017

2016 reports and briefings

ICoP leachate storage containment - December 2016

Aiming for zero harm in the waste and recycling industry: 2015 update - November 2016

A discussion of the UK PRN / PERN system for packaging waste and possible alternatives - October 2016

The role of Extended Producer Responsibility in tackling litter in the UK - October 2016

Resourceful: Delivering a strong and competitive UK resource economy - August 2016

Delivering sustainable growth: How the resource and waste management industry benefits people, the environment and the economy - May 2016

Public realm services: Making the right choice - May 2016

SESA manifesto: Making a success of the Circular Economy - March 2016

Pre-2016 reports and briefings

Circular Organics - Biowaste in a Circular Economy - September 2014

Waste Crime: Tackling Britain's dirty secret - March 2014 
(Please note that this is a report for the charitable trust the Environmental Services Association Education Trust (ESAET).  ESA is hosting the report on behalf of the education trust)

Going for growth - A practical route to a Circular Economy - June 2013

2011 ESA IBA dataset - June 2013

Waste to resources: The pathway to zero waste - February 2013

Raising standards: Making Defra's hazardous waste strategy a reality - January 2013

An assessment of mineralogy of UK municipal waste Incinerator Bottom Ash - December 2012

Beyond Landfill: using green taxes to incentivise the waste hierarchy - December 2012

Assessment of hazard classification UK IBA - December 2012

Overseas options: the importance of exports to UK - September 2012

IBA sampling and testing protocol – explanatory note - July 2012

Industry Code of Practice for the management of landfill gas - July 2012

No time to waste: Planning reform for sustainable waste infrastructure - October 2011

Responsibility deal between Government and the waste sector - June 2011

Green growth: Don't waste the opportunity -  June 2011

Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations codes of practice (2005-2007):
ICoP1 - November 2005
ICoP2 - November 2005
ICoP3 - May 2006
ICoP5 - August 2007

ESART practitioner's guide to testing waste - July 2004

Land-use planning for sustainable waste management - May 2004

Thermal treatment of MSW in the UK - March 2004