Duty of Care
All businesses - whatever their size - have a legal responsibility to ensure that any waste they produce is stored, transported and disposed of without harming the environment. This is called ‘Duty of Care'.
Right Waste, Right Place
ESA is leading a national campaign ‘Right Waste, Right Place’ to raise the profile and awareness of Duty of Care requirements amongst businesses from a broad range of sectors.
Our Right Waste, Right Place campaign is at the heart of the ESA strategy to:
- Raise duty-of-care awareness with large waste producers in particular so they can influence their supply chains
- Boost the profile of the problem of waste crime in the wider community
- Work closely with the Environment Agency and other regulators to promote tougher action on waste crime, better regulation and to develop best practice guidance and industry codes of practice
An interactive website has been developed, as a part of the campaign, containing the practical information needed to help companies comply with 'Duty of Care' as well as acting as a simple portal to a wide range of other information and services for those with more sector specific enquiries.
ESA’s Members can help waste producers to comply with their Duty of Care obligations. They can provide total waste management solutions dealing with all aspects of on-site waste management and compliance, as well as a professional service for packing, labelling collection and disposal of waste materials.
A list of ESA’s Members can be found under the 'About' tab at the top of the page.
Further Guidance
Further guidance on compliance with the Duty of Care can be found at:
Waste Smart
This is a 1-day sustainable waste management training course for businesses, provided by CIWM, in conjunction with the ESA, DEFRA, the EA and WAMITAB.
Further information can be found by clicking here.